Nathan lends a hand

“When I was little, from about the time I first learned to read, my grandmother would take my sister and I to the local community center where the “BookMobile”, a small bus retrofitted to carry books from the town library, would stop once a week.

They had all kinds of books, I always searched through them all, but every once in a while they had science books. I loved them. First the ones with pictures of planets, then airplanes… though one particular book I found completely changed the way I saw the world. It was an Encyclopedia of Science. Finding that book was like finding a block of gold for me… I read it cover to cover. Always after that I went to the library with a passion to seek out new books that would help me better understand how the world works.


The spark of inspiration I felt that day has been with me ever since. I’m sure Aussie Books for Zim will be a part of many similar stories, and I feel honored to help out.”


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